Well-being @ Boleskine: Exercise

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A discussion about staying healthy through activities and whether this is better in a gym or in the outdoors, as part of a team, or alone. This is an online…

Well-being @ Boleskine: Nutrition

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We are what we eat, but there are many forms of nutrition as well as food and drink. Helping people think about what they put into themselves and what they…

Boleskine Nature Events: Wildflower Meadow Tour

Boleskine House Boleskine House, Inverness, United Kingdom

Join us for a volunteer-led event for up to 35 members of the public of all ages who wish to participate in and learn about our ambitious wildflower meadow project.…

RSVP Now Free 25 spots left

Well-being @ Boleskine: The Turn Inwards

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Ways of coping when we have to rely on ourselves. During those times when we draw inwards, are you best focusing on yourself, or is there space to be communal…

Well-being @ Boleskine: Coping With Loss

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Helping people to cope when what they relied on has gone away, or when they themselves have left others or a place they belonged. This is an online event. Free,…

De-carbonisation and Renewables @ Boleskine House

Boleskine House Boleskine House, Inverness, United Kingdom

Join Us for an Exclusive in-person event with RI Cruden – Decarbonising Your Home! Are you ready to make your home more energy-efficient and sustainable? Join us for an exciting…

Well-being @ Boleskine: Needs Unmet

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Helping people to think about what needs might be unmet during this time and how to find substitutes for them. This is an online event. Free, open to the public.